

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Starch \Starch\, a. [AS. stearc stark, strong, rough. See
   Stiff; precise; rigid. [R.] --Killingbeck.

Starch \Starch\, n. [From starch stiff, cf. G. st["a]rke, fr.
   stark strong.]
   1. (Chem.) A widely diffused vegetable substance found
      especially in seeds, bulbs, and tubers, and extracted (as
      from potatoes, corn, rice, etc.) as a white, glistening,
      granular or powdery substance, without taste or smell, and
      giving a very peculiar creaking sound when rubbed between
      the fingers. It is used as a food, in the production of
      commercial grape sugar, for stiffening linen in laundries,
      in making paste, etc.

   Note: Starch is a carbohydrate, being the typical amylose,
         {C6H10O5}, and is detected by the fine blue color given
         to it by free iodine. It is not fermentable as such,
         but is changed by diastase into dextrin and maltose,
         and by heating with dilute acids into dextrose. Cf.
         {Sugar}, {Inulin}, and {Lichenin}.

   2. Fig.: A stiff, formal manner; formality. --Addison.

   {Starch hyacinth} (Bot.), the grape hyacinth; -- so called
      because the flowers have the smell of boiled starch. See
      under {Grape}.

Starch \Starch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Starched}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   To stiffen with starch.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits,
         tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn,
         potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and
         used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and
         stiffeners for paper and textiles [syn: {amylum}]
     v : stiffen with starch; "starch clothes"
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