

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stanchion \Stan"chion\, n. [OF. estanson, estan[,c]on, F.
   ['e]tan[,c]on, from OF. estance a stay, a prop, from L.
   stans, stantis, standing, p. pr. of stare to stand. See
   {Stand}, and cf. {Stanza}.] [Written also {stanchel}.]
   1. (Arch.) A prop or support; a piece of timber in the form
      of a stake or post, used for a support or stay.

   2. (Naut.) Any upright post or beam used as a support, as for
      the deck, the quarter rails, awnings, etc.

   3. A vertical bar for confining cattle in a stall.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : any vertical post or rod used as a support
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