
sea parrot

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Puffin \Puf"fin\ (p[u^]f"f[i^]n), n. [Akin to puff.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) An arctic sea bird {Fratercula arctica}) allied
      to the auks, and having a short, thick, swollen beak,
      whence the name; -- called also {bottle nose}, {cockandy},
      {coulterneb}, {marrot}, {mormon}, {pope}, and {sea

   Note: The name is also applied to other related species, as
         the horned puffin ({F. corniculata}), the tufted puffin
         ({Lunda cirrhata}), and the razorbill.

   {Manx puffin}, the Manx shearwater. See under {Manx}.

   2. (Bot.) The puffball.

   3. A sort of apple. [Obs.] --Rider's Dict. (1640).
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