

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scuttle \Scut"tle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scuttled}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Scuttling}.]
   1. To cut a hole or holes through the bottom, deck, or sides
      of (as of a ship), for any purpose.

   2. To sink by making holes through the bottom of; as, to
      scuttle a ship.

Scuttle \Scut"tle\, n. [AS. scutel a dish, platter; cf. Icel.
   skutill; both fr. L. scutella, dim. of scutra, scuta, a dish
   or platter; cf. scutum a shield. Cf. {Skillet}.]
   1. A broad, shallow basket.

   2. A wide-mouthed vessel for holding coal: a coal hod.

Scuttle \Scut"tle\, v. i. [For scuddle, fr. scud.]
   To run with affected precipitation; to hurry; to bustle; to

         With the first dawn of day, old Janet was scuttling
         about the house to wake the baron.       --Sir W.

Scuttle \Scut"tle\, n.
   A quick pace; a short run. --Spectator.

Scuttle \Scut"tle\, n. [OF. escoutille, F. ['e]scoutille, cf.
   Sp. escotilla; probably akin to Sp. escoter to cut a thing so
   as to make it fit, to hollow a garment about the neck,
   perhaps originally, to cut a bosom-shaped piece out, and of
   Teutonic origin; cf. D. schoot lap, bosom, G. schoss, Goth.
   skauts the hem of a garnment. Cf. {Sheet} an expanse.]
   1. A small opening in an outside wall or covering, furnished
      with a lid. Specifically:
      (a) (Naut.) A small opening or hatchway in the deck of a
          ship, large enough to admit a man, and with a lid for
          covering it, also, a like hole in the side or bottom
          of a ship.
      (b) An opening in the roof of a house, with a lid.

   2. The lid or door which covers or closes an opening in a
      roof, wall, or the like.

   {Scuttle butt}, or {Scuttle cask} (Naut.), a butt or cask
      with a large hole in it, used to contain the fresh water
      for daily use in a ship.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto
          the fire [syn: {coal scuttle}]
     2: an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway
        between decks of a ship [syn: {hatchway}, {opening}]
     v : to move about or proceed hurriedly; "so terrified by the
         extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to
         higher ground" [syn: {scurry}, {scamper}, {skitter}]
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