

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scrip \Scrip\, n. [OE. scrippe, probably of Scand. origin; cf.
   Icel. & OSw. skreppa, and also LL. scrippum, OF. esquerpe,
   escrepe, F. ['e]charpe scarf. Cf. {Scarp}, {Scarf} a piece of
   A small bag; a wallet; a satchel. [Archaic] --Chaucer.

         And in requital ope his leathern scrip.  --Milton.

Scrip \Scrip\, n. [From script.]
   1. A small writing, certificate, or schedule; a piece of
      paper containing a writing.

            Call them generally, man by man, according to the
            scrip.                                --Shak.

            Bills of exchange can not pay our debts abroad, till
            scrips of paper can be made current coin. --Locke.

   2. A preliminary certificate of a subscription to the capital
      of a bank, railroad, or other company, or for a share of
      other joint property, or a loan, stating the amount of the
      subscription and the date of the payment of the
      installments; as, insurance scrip, consol scrip, etc. When
      all the installments are paid, the scrip is exchanged for
      a bond share certificate.

   3. Paper fractional currency. [Colloq.U.S.]

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a certificate whose value is recognized by the payer and
         payee; scrip is not currency but may be convertible into
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