

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Screen \Screen\ (skr[=e]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Screened}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Screening}.]
   1. To provide with a shelter or means of concealment; to
      separate or cut off from inconvenience, injury, or danger;
      to shelter; to protect; to protect by hiding; to conceal;
      as, fruits screened from cold winds by a forest or hill.

            They were encouraged and screened by some who were
            in high commands.                     --Macaulay.

   2. To pass, as coal, gravel, ashes, etc., through a screen in
      order to separate the coarse from the fine, or the
      worthless from the valuable; to sift.

Screen \Screen\ (skr[=e]n), n. [OE. scren, OF. escrein, escran,
   F. ['e]cran, of uncertain origin; cf. G. schirm a screen,
   OHG. scirm, scerm a protection, shield, or G. schragen a
   trestle, a stack of wood, or G. schranne a railing.]
   1. Anything that separates or cuts off inconvenience, injury,
      or danger; that which shelters or conceals from view; a
      shield or protection; as, a fire screen.

            Your leavy screens throw down.        --Shak.

            Some ambitious men seem as screens to princes in
            matters of danger and envy.           --Bacon.

   2. (Arch.) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain
      height for separation and protection, as in a church, to
      separate the aisle from the choir, or the like.

   3. A surface, as that afforded by a curtain, sheet, wall,
      etc., upon which an image, as a picture, is thrown by a
      magic lantern, solar microscope, etc.

   4. A long, coarse riddle or sieve, sometimes a revolving
      perforated cylinder, used to separate the coarser from the
      finer parts, as of coal, sand, gravel, and the like.

Screen \Screen\ (skr[=e]n), n. (Cricket)
   An erection of white canvas or wood placed on the boundary
   opposite a batsman to enable him to see ball better.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected
          for viewing [syn: {silver screen}, {projection screen}]
     2: something that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had
        just moved in and had not put up blinds yet" [syn: {blind}]
     3: display on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray
        tube on which is electronically created [syn: {CRT screen}]
     4: a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something;
        "they crouched behind the screen"; "under cover of
        darkness" [syn: {cover}, {covert}, {concealment}]
     5: protective covering consisting of a metallic netting mounted
        in a frame and covering windows or doors (especially for
        protection against insects)
     6: a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or
        grading particles [syn: {sieve}]
     7: a door that is a screen to keep insects from entering a
        building through the open door; "he heard the screen slam
        as she left" [syn: {screen door}]
     8: partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that
        serves to divide a space

     v 1: test or examine for the presence of disease or infection;
          "screen the blood for the HIV virus" [syn: {test}]
     2: examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
     3: examine in order to test suitability; "screen these
        samples"; "screen the job applicants" [syn: {screen out},
        {sieve}, {sort}]
     4: project onto a screen for viewing; "screen a film"
     5: prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight" [syn:
         {block out}]
     6: separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff [syn: {riddle}]
     7: protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm [syn: {shield}]
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