

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scrape \Scrape\ (skr[=a]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scraped}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Scraping}.] [Icel. skrapa; akin to Sw. skrapa,
   Dan. skrabe, D. schrapen, schrabben, G. schrappen, and prob.
   to E. sharp.]
   1. To rub over the surface of (something) with a sharp or
      rough instrument; to rub over with something that roughens
      by removing portions of the surface; to grate harshly
      over; to abrade; to make even, or bring to a required
      condition or form, by moving the sharp edge of an
      instrument breadthwise over the surface with pressure,
      cutting away excesses and superfluous parts; to make
      smooth or clean; as, to scrape a bone with a knife; to
      scrape a metal plate to an even surface.

   2. To remove by rubbing or scraping (in the sense above).

            I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her
            like the top of a rock.               --Ezek. xxvi.

   3. To collect by, or as by, a process of scraping; to gather
      in small portions by laborious effort; hence, to acquire
      avariciously and save penuriously; -- often followed by
      together or up; as, to scrape money together.

            The prelatical party complained that, to swell a
            number the nonconformists did not choose, but
            scrape, subscribers.                  --Fuller.

   4. To express disapprobation of, as a play, or to silence, as
      a speaker, by drawing the feet back and forth upon the
      floor; -- usually with down. --Macaulay.

   {To scrape acquaintance}, to seek acquaintance otherwise than
      by an introduction. --Farquhar.

            He tried to scrape acquaintance with her, but failed
            ignominiously.                        --G. W. Cable.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: having the skin scraped off; "skinned knees and scraped
            elbows" [syn: {abraded}, {skinned}]
     2: having surface damage [syn: {scratched}]
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