

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scene \Scene\, n. [L. scaena, scena, Gr. skhnh` a covered place,
   a tent, a stage.]
   1. The structure on which a spectacle or play is exhibited;
      the part of a theater in which the acting is done, with
      its adjuncts and decorations; the stage.

   2. The decorations and fittings of a stage, representing the
      place in which the action is supposed to go on; one of the
      slides, or other devices, used to give an appearance of
      reality to the action of a play; as, to paint scenes; to
      shift the scenes; to go behind the scenes.

   3. So much of a play as passes without change of locality or
      time, or important change of character; hence, a
      subdivision of an act; a separate portion of a play,
      subordinate to the act, but differently determined in
      different plays; as, an act of four scenes.

            My dismal scene I needs must act alone. --Shak.

   4. The place, time, circumstance, etc., in which anything
      occurs, or in which the action of a story, play, or the
      like, is laid; surroundings amid which anything is set
      before the imagination; place of occurrence, exhibition,
      or action. ``In Troy, there lies the scene.'' --Shak.

            The world is a vast scene of strife.  --J. M. Mason.

   5. An assemblage of objects presented to the view at once; a
      series of actions and events exhibited in their
      connection; a spectacle; a show; an exhibition; a view.

            Through what new scenes and changes must we pass!

   6. A landscape, or part of a landscape; scenery.

            A sylvan scene with various greens was drawn, Shades
            on the sides, and in the midst a lawn. --Dryden.

   7. An exhibition of passionate or strong feeling before
      others; often, an artifical or affected action, or course
      of action, done for effect; a theatrical display.

            Probably no lover of scenes would have had very long
            to wait for some explosions between parties, both
            equally ready to take offense, and careless of
            giving it.                            --De Quincey.

   {Behind the scenes}, behind the scenery of a theater; out of
      the view of the audience, but in sight of the actors,
      machinery, etc.; hence, conversant with the hidden motives
      and agencies of what appears to public view.

Scene \Scene\, v. t.
   To exhibit as a scene; to make a scene of; to display. [Obs.]
   --Abp. Sancroft.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: the place where some action occurs; "the police returned to
          the scene of the crime"
     2: an incident (real or imaginary); "their parting was a sad
     3: the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature
        of the park are the beautiful views" [syn: {view}, {aspect},
         {prospect}, {vista}, {panorama}]
     4: a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of
        action in a film [syn: {shot}]
     5: a situation treated as an observable object; "the political
        picture is favorable"; "the religious scene in England has
        changed in the last century" [syn: {picture}]
     6: a subdivision of an act of a play; "the first act has three
     7: a display of bad temper; "he had a fit"; "she threw a
        tantrum"; "he made a scene" [syn: {fit}, {tantrum}, {conniption}]
     8: graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic
        representation of a visual percept; "he painted scenes
        from everyday life"; "figure 2 shows photographic and
        schematic views of the equipment" [syn: {view}]
     9: the context and environment in which something is set; "the
        perfect setting for a ghost story" [syn: {setting}]
     10: the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to
         suggest a particular locale; "they worked all night
         painting the scenery" [syn: {scenery}]
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