

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scatter \Scat"ter\, v. i.
   To be dispersed or dissipated; to disperse or separate; as,
   clouds scatter after a storm.

Scatter \Scat"ter\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scattered}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Scattering}.] [OE. scateren. See {Shatter}.]
   1. To strew about; to sprinkle around; to throw down loosely;
      to deposit or place here and there, esp. in an open or
      sparse order.

            And some are scattered all the floor about.

            Why should my muse enlarge on Libyan swains, Their
            scattered cottages, and ample plains? --Dryden.

            Teach the glad hours to scatter, as they fly, Soft
            quiet, gentle love, and endless joy.  --Prior.

   2. To cause to separate in different directions; to reduce
      from a close or compact to a loose or broken order; to
      dissipate; to disperse.

            Scatter and disperse the giddy Goths. --Shak.

   3. Hence, to frustrate, disappoint, and overthrow; as, to
      scatter hopes, plans, or the like.

   Syn: To disperse; dissipate; spread; strew.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     v 1: to cause to separate and go in different directions; "She
          waved her hand and scattered the crowds" [syn: {disperse},
           {dissipate}, {dispel}, {break up}]
     2: move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The
        children scattered in all directions when the teacher
        approached"; [syn: {disperse}, {dissipate}, {spread out}]
     3: distribute loosely; "He scattered gun powder under the
        wagon" [syn: {sprinkle}, {dot}, {dust}, {disperse}]
     4: sow by scattering; "scatter seeds"
     5: cause to separate; "break up kidney stones"; "disperse
        particles" [syn: {break up}, {disperse}]
     6: strew or distribute over an area; "He spread fertilizer over
        the lawn"; "scatter cards across the table" [syn: {spread},
         {spread out}]

     n 1: a haphazard distribution in all directions [syn: {spread}]
     2: the act of scattering [syn: {scattering}, {strewing}]
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