資料來源 : pyDict
資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Resolution \Res`o*lu"tion\ (-l?"sh?n), n. [F. r['e]solution. L.
resolutio a loosening, solution. See {Resolve}.]
1. The act, operation, or process of resolving. Specifically:
(a) The act of separating a compound into its elements or
component parts.
(b) The act of analyzing a complex notion, or solving a
vexed question or difficult problem.
The unraveling and resolution of the
difficulties that are met with in the execution
of the design are the end of an action.
2. The state of being relaxed; relaxation. [Obs.]
3. The state of being resolved, settled, or determined;
firmness; steadiness; constancy; determination.
Be it with resolution then to fight. --Shak.
4. That which is resolved or determined; a settled purpose;
determination. Specifically: A formal expression of the
opinion or will of an official body or a public assembly,
adopted by vote; as, a legislative resolution; the
resolutions of a public meeting.
5. The state of being resolved or firm in opinion or thought;
conviction; assurance. [Obs.]
Little resolution and certainty there is as touching
the islands of Mauritania. --Holland.
6. (Math.) The act or process of solving; solution; as, the
resolution of an equation or problem.
7. (Med.) A breaking up, disappearance; or termination, as of
a fever, a tumor, or the like.
8. (Mus.) The passing of a dissonant into a consonant chord
by the rising or falling of the note which makes the
{Joint resolution}. See under {Joint}, a.
{Resolution of a force} or {motion} (Mech.), the separation
of a single force or motion into two or more which have
different directions, and, taken together, are an
equivalent for the single one; -- the opposite of
{composition of a force}.
{Resolution of a nebula} (Astron.), the exhibition of it to
the eye by a telescope of such power as to show it to be
composed of small stars.
Syn: Decision; analysis; separation; disentanglement;
dissolution; resolvedness; resoluteness; firmness;
constancy; perseverance; steadfastness; fortitude;
boldness; purpose; resolve. See {Decision}.
資料來源 : WordNet®
n 1: a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote [syn:
{declaration}, {resolve}]
2: the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the
angular separation of images that are close together [syn:
{resolving power}]
3: the trait of being resolute; firmness of purpose; "his
resoluteness carried him through the battle"; "it was his
unshakeable resolution to finish the work" [syn: {resoluteness},
{firmness}, {resolve}] [ant: {irresoluteness}]
4: finding a solution to a problem [syn: {solving}]
5: something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision
making; "the finally reached a settlement with the union";
"they never did achieve a final resolution of their
differences"; "he needed to grieve before he could achieve
a sense of closure" [syn: {settlement}, {closure}]
6: analysis into clear-cut components [syn: {resolving}]
7: (computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a
computer-generated display; the greater the resolution,
the better the picture
8: the subsidence of swelling or others signs of inflammation
(especially in a lung)
9: (music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord
[ant: {preparation}]
10: a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve
the problem; "they were trying to find a peaceful
solution"; "the answers were in the back of the book";
"he computed the result to four decimal places" [syn: {solution},
{answer}, {result}, {solvent}]
11: a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner;
"he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions"
資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing
1. the maximum number of {pixels} that can be
displayed on a {monitor}, expressed as (number of horizontal
pixels) x (number of vertical pixels), i.e., 1024x768. The
ratio of horizontal to vertical resolution is usually 4:3, the
same as that of conventional television sets.
2. A mechanical method for proving statements of
{first order logic}, introduced by J. A. Robinson in 1965.
Resolution is applied to two {clauses} in a {sentence}. It
eliminates, by {unification}, a {literal} that occurs
"positive" in one and "negative" in the other to produce a new
clause, the {resolvent}.
For example, given the sentence:
(man(X) => mortal(X)) AND man(socrates).
The literal "man(X)" is "negative". The literal
"man(socrates)" could be considered to be on the right hand
side of the degenerate implication
True => man(socrates)
and is therefore "positive". The two literals can be unified
by the binding X = socrates.
The {truth table} for the implication function is
A | B | A => B
F | F | T
F | T | T
T | F | F
T | T | T
(The implication only fails if its premise is true but its
conclusion is false). From this we can see that
A => B == (NOT A) OR B
Which is why the left hand side of the implication is said to
be negative and the right positive. The sentence above could
thus be written
((NOT man(socrates)) OR mortal(socrates))
Distributing the AND over the OR gives
((NOT man(socrates)) AND man(socrates))
mortal(socrates) AND man(socrates)
And since (NOT A) AND A == False, and False OR A == A we can
simplify to just
mortal(socrates) AND man(socrates)
So we have proved the new literal, mortal(socrates).
Resolution with {backtracking} is the basic control mechanism
of {Prolog}.
See also {modus ponens}, {SLD Resolution}.
3. {address resolution}.