

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reproduce \Re`pro*duce"\ (r?`pr?-d?s"), v. t.
   To produce again. Especially:
   (a) To bring forward again; as, to reproduce a witness; to
       reproduce charges; to reproduce a play.
   (b) To cause to exist again.

             Those colors are unchangeable, and whenever all
             those rays with those their colors are mixed again
             they reproduce the same white light as before.
                                                  --Sir I.
   (c) To produce again, by generation or the like; to cause the
       existence of (something of the same class, kind, or
       nature as another thing); to generate or beget, as
       offspring; as, to reproduce a rose; some animals are
       reproduced by gemmation.
   (d) To make an image or other representation of; to portray;
       to cause to exist in the memory or imagination; to make a
       copy of; as, to reproduce a person's features in marble,
       or on canvas; to reproduce a design.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     v 1: make a copy or equivalent of; "reproduce the painting"
     2: have offspring or young; "The deer in our neighborhood
        reproduce madly"; "The Catholic Church tells people to
        procreate, no matter what their economic situation may be"
        [syn: {procreate}, {multiply}]
     3: recreate an idea, mood, atmosphere, etc. as by artistic
        means; "He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the
     4: repeat after memorization; "For the exam, you must be able
        to regurgitate the information" [syn: {regurgitate}]
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