

資料來源 : pyDict

重復的人,背誦者,循環小數  ;   信號放大器,(用來接收並放大信號再傳送至遠端主機的一種網絡通訊設備)

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Repeater \Re*peat"er\ (-?r), n.
   One who, or that which, repeats. Specifically:
   (a) A watch with a striking apparatus which, upon pressure of
       a spring, will indicate the time, usually in hours and
   (b) A repeating firearm.
   (c) (Teleg.) An instrument for resending a telegraphic
       message automatically at an intermediate point.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a person who repeats; "the audience consisted largely of
          repeaters who had seen the movie many times"
     2: someone who is repeatedly arrested for criminal behavior
        (especially for the same criminal behavior) [syn: {recidivist},
         {habitual criminal}]
     3: a firearm that can fire several rounds without reloading
        [syn: {repeating firearm}]
     4: (electronics) electronic device that amplifies a signal
        before transmitting it again; "repeaters can be used in
        computer networks to extend cabling distances"

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

         A network or communications
        device which propagates electrical signals from one cable to
        another, amplifying them to restore them to full strength in
        the process.  Repeaters are used to counter the attenuation
        which occurs when signals travel long distances (e.g. across
        an ocean).
        A network repeater is less intelligent than a {bridge},
        {gateway} or {router} since it works at the {physical layer}.
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