

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Remission \Re*mis"sion\ (r?-m?sh"?n), n. [F. r['e]mission, L.
   remissio. See {Remit}.]
   1. The act of remitting, surrendering, resigning, or giving

   2. Discharge from that which is due; relinquishment of a
      claim, right, or obligation; pardon of transgression;
      release from forfeiture, penalty, debt, etc.

            This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed
            for many for the remission of sins.   --Matt. xxvi.

            That ples, therefore, . . . Will gain thee no
            remission.                            --Milton.

   3. Diminution of intensity; abatement; relaxation.

   4. (Med.) A temporary and incomplete subsidence of the force
      or violence of a disease or of pain, as destinguished from
      intermission, in which the disease completely leaves the
      patient for a time; abatement.

   5. The act of sending back. [R.] --Stackhouse.

   6. Act of sending in payment, as money; remittance.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: an abatement in intensity or degree (as in the
          manifestations of a disease); "his cancer is in
          remission" [syn: {remittal}, {subsidence}]
     2: a payment of money sent to a person in another place [syn: {remittance},
         {remittal}, {remitment}]
     3: (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law
        case to another court) [syn: {remitment}, {remit}]
     4: the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as
        pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance [syn: {absolution},
         {remittal}, {remission of sin}]
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