
regular canons of St Austin

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Augustinian \Au`gus*tin"i*an\, a.
   Of or pertaining to St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo in
   Northern Africa (b. 354 -- d. 430), or to his doctrines.

   {Augustinian canons}, an order of monks once popular in
      England and Ireland; -- called also {regular canons of St.
      Austin}, and {black canons}.

   {Augustinian hermits} or {Austin friars}, an order of friars
      established in 1265 by Pope Alexander IV. It was
      introduced into the United States from Ireland in 1790.

   {Augustinian nuns}, an order of nuns following the rule of
      St. Augustine.

   {Augustinian rule}, a rule for religious communities based
      upon the 109th letter of St. Augustine, and adopted by the
      Augustinian orders.
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