

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Regal \Re"gal\, n. [F. r['e]gale, It. regale. CF. {Rigoll}.]
   A small portable organ, played with one hand, the bellows
   being worked with the other, -- used in the sixteenth and
   seventeenth centuries.

Regal \Re"gal\ (r?"gal), a. [L. regalis, fr. rex, regis, a king.
   See {Royal}, and cf. {Rajah}, {Realm}, {Regalia}.]
   Of or pertaining to a king; kingly; royal; as, regal
   authority, pomp, or sway. ``The regal title.'' --Shak.

         He made a scorn of his regal oath.       --Milton.

   Syn: Kingly; royal. See {Kingly}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj : belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler; "golden age of
           imperial splendor"; "purple tyrant"; "regal attire";
           "treated with royal acclaim"; "the royal carriage of a
           stag's head" [syn: {imperial}, {majestic}, {purple}, {royal}]
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