

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reduce \Re*duce"\ (r[-e]*d[=u]s"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reduced}
   (-d[=u]st"),; p. pr. & vb. n. {Reducing} (-d[=u]"s[i^]ng).]
   [L. reducere, reductum; pref. red-. re-, re- + ducere to
   lead. See {Duke}, and cf. {Redoubt}, n.]
   1. To bring or lead back to any former place or condition.

            And to his brother's house reduced his wife.

            The sheep must of necessity be scattered, unless the
            great Shephered of souls oppose, or some of his
            delegates reduce and direct us.       --Evelyn.

   2. To bring to any inferior state, with respect to rank,
      size, quantity, quality, value, etc.; to diminish; to
      lower; to degrade; to impair; as, to reduce a sergeant to
      the ranks; to reduce a drawing; to reduce expenses; to
      reduce the intensity of heat. ``An ancient but reduced
      family.'' --Sir W. Scott.

            Nothing so excellent but a man may fasten upon
            something belonging to it, to reduce it.

            Having reduced Their foe to misery beneath their
            fears.                                --Milton.

            Hester Prynne was shocked at the condition to which
            she found the clergyman reduced.      --Hawthorne.

   3. To bring to terms; to humble; to conquer; to subdue; to
      capture; as, to reduce a province or a fort.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: made less in size or amount or degree [syn: {decreased}]
            [ant: {increased}]
     2: well below normal (especially in price) [syn: {rock-bottom}]
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