

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Recourse \Re*course"\ (r?*k?rs"), n. [F. recours, L. recursus a
   running back, return, fr. recurrere, recursum, to run back.
   See {Recur}.]
   1. A coursing back, or coursing again, along the line of a
      previous coursing; renewed course; return; retreat;
      recurence. [Obs.] ``Swift recourse of flushing blood.''

            Unto my first I will have my recourse. --Chaucer.

            Preventive physic . . . preventeth sickness in the
            healthy, or the recourse thereof in the
            valetudinary.                         --Sir T.

   2. Recurrence in difficulty, perplexity, need, or the like;
      access or application for aid; resort.

            Thus died this great peer, in a time of great
            recourse unto him and dependence upon him. --Sir H.

            Our last recourse is therefore to our art. --Dryden.

   3. Access; admittance. [Obs.]

            Give me recourse to him.              --Shak.

   {Without recourse} (Commerce), words sometimes added to the
      indorsement of a negotiable instrument to protect the
      indorser from liability to the indorsee and subsequent
      holders. It is a restricted indorsement.

Recourse \Re*course"\, v. i.
   1. To return; to recur. [Obs.]

            The flame departing and recoursing.   --Foxe.

   2. To have recourse; to resort. [Obs.] --Bp. Hacket.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: act of turning to for assistance; "have recourse to the
          courts"; "an appeal to his uncle was his last resort"
          [syn: {resort}, {refuge}]
     2: something or someone turned to for assistance or security;
        "his only recourse was the police"; "took refuge in lying"
        [syn: {refuge}, {resort}]
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