

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Receptacle \Re*cep"ta*cle\, n. [F. r['e]ceptacle, L.
   receptaculum, fr. receptare, v. intens. fr. recipere to
   receive. See {Receive}.]
   1. That which serves, or is used, fro receiving and
      containing something, as a basket, a vase, a bag, a
      reservoir; a repository.

            O sacred receptacle of my joys!       --Shak.

   2. (Bot.)
      (a) The apex of the flower stalk, from which the organs of
          the flower grow, or into which they are inserted. See
          Illust. of {Flower}, and {Ovary}.
      (b) The dilated apex of a pedicel which serves as a common
          support to a head of flowers.
      (c) An intercellular cavity containing oil or resin or
          other matters.
      (d) A special branch which bears the fructification in
          many cryptogamous plants.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a container that is used to put or keep things in
     2: enlarged tip of a stem that bears the floral parts
     3: an electrical (or electronic) fitting that is connected to a
        source of power and equipped to receive an insert
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