資料來源 : pyDict
資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Notable \Not"a*ble\, a. [F. notable, L. notabilis, fr. notare to
mark, nota mark, note. See 5th {Note}.]
1. Capable of being noted; noticeable; plan; evident.
Notable \Not"a*ble\, n.
1. A person, or thing, of distinction.
2. (French Hist.) One of a number of persons, before the
revolution of 1789, chiefly of the higher orders,
appointed by the king to constitute a representative body.
資料來源 : WordNet®
adj 1: worthy of notice; "a noteworthy advance in cancer research"
[syn: {noteworthy}]
2: widely known and esteemed; "a famous actor"; "a celebrated
musician"; "a famed scientist"; "an illustrious judge"; "a
notable historian"; "a renowned painter" [syn: {celebrated},
{famed}, {far-famed}, {famous}, {illustrious}, {noted}, {renowned}]
n : a celebrity who is an inspiration to others; "he was host to
a large gathering of luminaries" [syn: {luminary}, {leading
light}, {guiding light}, {notability}]