
nicker nut

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Nicker nut \Nick"er nut`\
   A rounded seed, rather smaller than a nutmeg, having a hard
   smooth shell, and a yellowish or bluish color. The seeds grow
   in the prickly pods of tropical, woody climbers of the genus
   {C[ae]salpinia}. {C. Bonduc} has yellowish seeds; {C.
   Bonducella}, bluish gray. [Spelt also {neckar nut}, {nickar

資料來源 : WordNet®

nicker nut
     n : hard shiny gray seed of a bonduc tree; used for making e.g.
         jewelry [syn: {bonduc nut}, {nicker seed}]
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