

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Next \Next\ (n[e^]kst), a., superl. of {Nigh}. [AS. n[=e]hst,
   ni['e]hst, n[=y]hst, superl. of ne['a]h nigh. See {Nigh}.]
   1. Nearest in place; having no similar object intervening.

            Her princely guest Was next her side; in order sat
            the rest.                             --Dryden.

            Fear followed me so hard, that I fled the next way.

   2. Nearest in time; as, the next day or hour.

   3. Adjoining in a series; immediately preceding or following
      in order.

            None could tell whose turn should be the next.

   4. Nearest in degree, quality, rank, right, or relation; as,
      the next heir was an infant.

            The man is near of kin unto us, one of our next
            kinsmen.                              --Ruth ii. 20.

   Note: Next is usually followed by to before an object, but to
         is sometimes omitted. In such cases next in considered
         by many grammarians as a preposition.

   {Next friend} (Law), one who represents an infant, a married
      woman, or any person who can not appear sui juris, in a
      suit at law.

Next \Next\, adv.
   In the time, place, or order nearest or immediately
   suceeding; as, this man follows next.

Nigh \Nigh\, a. [Compar. {Nigher}; superl. {Nighest}, or
   {Next}.] [OE. nigh, neigh, neih, AS. ne['a]h, n?h; akin to D.
   na, adv., OS. n[=a]h, a., OHG. n[=a]h, G. nah, a., nach to,
   after, Icel. n[=a] (in comp.) nigh, Goth. n?hw, n?hwa, adv.,
   nigh. Cf. {Near}, {Neighbor}, {Next}.]
   1. Not distant or remote in place or time; near.

            The loud tumult shows the battle nigh. --Prior.

   2. Not remote in degree, kindred, circumstances, etc.;
      closely allied; intimate. ``Nigh kinsmen.'' --Knolles.

            Ye . . . are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
                                                  --Eph. ii. 13.

   Syn: Near; close; adjacent; contiguous; present; neighboring.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adv : at the time or occasion immediately following; "next the
           doctor examined his back"

     adj 1: nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without
            intervening space; "had adjacent rooms"; "in the next
            room"; "the person sitting next to me"; "our rooms
            were side by side" [syn: {adjacent}, {side by side(p)}]
     2: (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving; "our next
        president" [syn: {future(a)}, {succeeding(a)}]
     3: immediately following in time or order; "the following day";
        "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on
        the list" [syn: {following}]
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