
network management

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

network management
         The process of controlling a {network} so as to
        maximise its efficiency and productivity.  {ISO}'s model
        divides network management into five categories: {fault
        management}, {accounting management}, {configuration
        management}, {security management} and {performance
        Fault management is the process of identifying and locating
        faults in the network.  This could include discovering the
        existence of the problem, identifying the source, and possibly
        repairing (or at least isolating the rest of the network from)
        the problem.
        Configuration management is the process of identifying,
        tracking and modifying the setup of devices on the network.
        This category is extremely important for devices that come
        with numerous custom settings (e.g. {router}s and {file
        Security management is the process of controlling (granting,
        limiting, restricting or denying) access to the network and
        resources thereon.  This could include setting up and managing
        {access list}s in {router}s (creating "{firewall}s" to keep
        intruders out), creating and maintaining password access to
        critical network resources, identifying the points of entry
        used by intruders and closing them.
        Performance Management is the process of measuring the
        performance of various network components.  This also includes
        taking measures to optimise the network for maximum system
        performance (periodically measuring of the use of network
        {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.dcom.net-management}.
        ["Network Management: A Practical Perspective", Allan Leinwand
        and Karen Fang].
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