
lemur varius

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ruffed \Ruffed\, a.
   Furnished with a ruff.

   {Ruffed grouse} (Zo["o]l.), a North American grouse ({Bonasa
      umbellus}) common in the wooded districts of the Northern
      United States. The male has a ruff of brown or black
      feathers on each side of the neck, and is noted for the
      loud drumming sound he makes during the breeding season.
      Called also {tippet grouse}, {partridge}, {birch
      partridge}, {pheasant}, {drummer}, and {white-flesher}.

   {ruffed lemur} (Zo["o]l.), a species of lemur ({lemur
      varius}) having a conspicuous ruff on the sides of the
      head. Its color is varied with black and white. Called
      also {ruffed maucaco}.
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