

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Legend \Leg"end\, v. t.
   To tell or narrate, as a legend. --Bp. Hall.

Legend \Leg"end\ (l[e^]j"[e^]nd or l[=e]"j[e^]nd; 277), n. [OE.
   legende, OF. legende, F. l['e]gende, LL. legenda, fr. L.
   legendus to be read, fr. legere to read, gather; akin to Gr.
   le`gein to gather, speak. Cf. {Collect}, {Dialogue},
   {Lesson}, {Logic}.]
   1. That which is appointed to be read; especially, a
      chronicle or register of the lives of saints, formerly
      read at matins, and in the refectories of religious

   2. A story respecting saints; especially, one of a marvelous
      nature. --Addison.

   3. Any wonderful story coming down from the past, but not
      verifiable by historical record; a myth; a fable.

            And in this legend all that glorious deed Read,
            whilst you arm you.                   --Fairfax.

   4. An inscription, motto, or title, esp. one surrounding the
      field in a medal or coin, or placed upon an heraldic
      shield or beneath an engraving or illustration.

   {Golden legend}. See under {Golden}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events
          [syn: {fable}]
     2: brief description accompanying an illustration [syn: {caption}]
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