

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Legal \Le"gal\ (l[=e]"gal), a. [L. legalis, fr. lex, legis, law;
   prob. orig., that which lies or is fixed (cf. L. lectus bed),
   and if so akin to E. lie, law: cf. F. l['e]gal. Cf. {Lie} to
   be prostrate, {Loyal}, {Leal}.]
   1. Created by, permitted by, in conformity with, or relating
      to, law; as, a legal obligation; a legal standard or test;
      a legal procedure; a legal claim; a legal trade; anything
      is legal which the laws do not forbid.

   2. (Theol.)
      (a) According to the law of works, as distinguished from
          free grace; or resting on works for salvation.
      (b) According to the old or Mosaic dispensation; in
          accordance with the law of Moses.

   3. (Law) Governed by the rules of law as distinguished from
      the rules of equity; as, legal estate; legal assets.
      --Bouvier. --Burrill.

   {Legal cap}. See under {Cap}.

   {Legal tender}.
      (a) The act of tendering in the performance of a contract
          or satisfaction of a claim that which the law
          prescribes or permits, and at such time and place as
          the law prescribes or permits.
      (b) That currency, or money, which the law authorizes a
          debtor to tender and requires a creditor to receive.
          It differs in different countries.

   Syn: Lawful; constitutional; legitimate; licit; authorized.
        See {Lawful}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: established by or founded upon law or official or accepted
            rules [ant: {illegal}]
     2: of or relating to jurisprudence; "legal loophole"
     3: having legal efficacy or force; "a sound title to the
        property" [syn: {sound}]
     4: relating to or characteristic of the profession of law; "the
        legal profession"
     5: allowed by official rules; "a legal pass receiver"

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        Loosely used to mean "in accordance with all the relevant
        rules", especially in connection with some set of constraints
        defined by software.  "The older =+ alternate for += is no
        longer legal syntax in ANSI C."  "This parser processes each
        line of legal input the moment it sees the trailing linefeed."
        Hackers often model their work as a sort of game played with
        the environment in which the objective is to maneuver through
        the thicket of "natural laws" to achieve a desired objective.
        Their use of "legal" is flavoured as much by this game-playing
        sense as by the more conventional one having to do with courts
        and lawyers.  Compare {language lawyer}, {legalese}.
        [{Jargon File}]
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