

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Leaden \Lead"en\, a.
   1. Made of lead; of the nature of lead; as, a leaden ball.

   2. Like lead in color, etc.; as, a leaden sky.

   3. Heavy; dull; sluggish. ``Leaden slumber.'' --Shak.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: darkened with overcast; "a dark day"; "a dull sky"; "a gray
            rainy afternoon"; "gray clouds"; "the sky was leaden
            and thick" [syn: {dull}, {gray}, {grey}]
     2: made heavy or weighted down with weariness; "his leaden
        arms"; "weighted eyelids" [syn: {weighted}]
     3: (of movement) slow and laborious; "leaden steps" [syn: {plodding}]
     4: lacking lightness or liveliness; "heavy humor"; "a leaden
        conversation" [syn: {heavy}]
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