

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hock \Hock\, n. [So called from Hochheim, in Germany.]
   A Rhenish wine, of a light yellow color, either sparkling or
   still. The name is also given indiscriminately to all Rhenish

Hock \Hock\, Hough \Hough\, n. [ AS. h?h the heel; prob. akin to
   Icel. h[=a]sinn hock sinew, Dan. hasc, G. hechse, h["a]chse,
   LG. hacke, D. hak; also to L. coxa hip (cf. {Cuisses}), Skr.
   kaksha armpit. [root]12. Cf. {Heel}.]
      (a) The joint in the hind limb of quadrupeds between the
          leg and shank, or tibia and tarsus, and corresponding
          to the ankle in man.
      (b) A piece cut by butchers, esp. in pork, from either the
          front or hind leg, just above the foot.

   2. The popliteal space; the ham.

Hock \Hock\, v. t.
   To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock; to hamstring;
   to hough.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in
          Germany (`hock' is British usage) [syn: {Rhine wine}, {Rhenish}]
     2: tarsal joint of the hind leg of hoofed mammals; corresponds
        to the human ankle
     v 1: leave as a guarantee in return for money; "pawn your
          grandfather's gold watch" [syn: {pawn}, {soak}]
     2: disable by cutting the hock
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