
hither and thither

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thither \Thith"er\, adv. [OE. thider, AS. [eth]ider; akin to E.
   that; cf. Icel. [thorn]a[eth]ra there, Goth.
   [thorn]a[thorn]r[=o] thence. See {That}, and {The}.]
   1. To that place; -- opposed to {hither}.

            This city is near; . . . O, let me escape thither.
                                                  --Gen. xix.

            Where I am, thither ye can not come.  --John vii.

   2. To that point, end, or result; as, the argument tended

   {Hither and thither}, to this place and to that; one way and

   Syn: There.

   Usage: {Thither}, {There}. Thither properly denotes motion
          toward a place; there denotes rest in a place; as, I
          am going thither, and shall meet you there. But
          thither has now become obsolete, except in poetry, or
          a style purposely conformed to the past, and there is
          now used in both senses; as, I shall go there
          to-morrow; we shall go there together.

Hither \Hith"er\, adv. [OE. hider, AS. hider; akin to Icel.
   h[=e][eth]ra, Dan. hid, Sw. hit, Goth. hidr[=e]; cf. L. citra
   on this side, or E. here, he. [root]183. Cf. {He}.]
   1. To this place; -- used with verbs signifying motion, and
      implying motion toward the speaker; correlate of hence and
      thither; as, to come or bring hither.

   2. To this point, source, conclusion, design, etc.; -- in a
      sense not physical.

            Hither we refer whatsoever belongeth unto the
            highest perfection of man.            --Hooker.

   {Hither and thither}, to and fro; backward and forward; in
      various directions. ``Victory is like a traveller, and
      goeth hither and thither.'' --Knolles.

資料來源 : WordNet®

hither and thither
     adv : from one place or situation to another; "we were driven from
           pillar to post" [syn: {from pillar to post}]
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