
heroic verse

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Verse \Verse\, n. [OE. vers, AS. fers, L. versus a line in
   writing, and, in poetry, a verse, from vertere, versum, to
   turn, to turn round; akin to E. worth to become: cf. F. vers.
   See {Worth} to become, and cf. {Advertise}, {Averse},
   {Controversy}, {Convert}, {Divers}, {Invert}, {Obverse},
   {Prose}, {Suzerain}, {Vortex}.]
   1. A line consisting of a certain number of metrical feet
      (see {Foot}, n., 9) disposed according to metrical rules.

   Note: Verses are of various kinds, as hexameter, pentameter,
         tetrameter, etc., according to the number of feet in
         each. A verse of twelve syllables is called an
         Alexandrine. Two or more verses form a stanza or

   2. Metrical arrangement and language; that which is composed
      in metrical form; versification; poetry.

            Such prompt eloquence Flowed from their lips in
            prose or numerous verse.              --Milton.

            Virtue was taught in verse.           --Prior.

            Verse embalms virtue.                 --Donne.

   3. A short division of any composition. Specifically:
      (a) A stanza; a stave; as, a hymn of four verses.

   Note: Although this use of verse is common, it is
         objectionable, because not always distinguishable from
         the stricter use in the sense of a line.
      (b) (Script.) One of the short divisions of the chapters
          in the Old and New Testaments.

   Note: The author of the division of the Old Testament into
         verses is not ascertained. The New Testament was
         divided into verses by Robert Stephens [or Estienne], a
         French printer. This arrangement appeared for the first
         time in an edition printed at Geneva, in 1551.
      (c) (Mus.) A portion of an anthem to be performed by a
          single voice to each part.

   4. A piece of poetry. ``This verse be thine.'' --Pope.

   {Blank verse}, poetry in which the lines do not end in

   {Heroic verse}. See under {Heroic}.

Heroic \He*ro"ic\, a. [F. h['e]ro["i]que, L. hero["i]cus, Gr.
   1. Of or pertaining to, or like, a hero; of the nature of
      heroes; distinguished by the existence of heroes; as, the
      heroic age; an heroic people; heroic valor.

   2. Worthy of a hero; bold; daring; brave; illustrious; as,
      heroic action; heroic enterprises.

   3. (Sculpture & Painting) Larger than life size, but smaller
      than colossal; -- said of the representation of a human

   {Heroic Age}, the age when the heroes, or those called the
      children of the gods, are supposed to have lived.

   {Heroic poetry}, that which celebrates the deeds of a hero;
      epic poetry.

   {Heroic} {treatment or remedies} (Med.), treatment or
      remedies of a severe character, suited to a desperate

   {Heroic verse} (Pros.), the verse of heroic or epic poetry,
      being in English, German, and Italian the iambic of ten
      syllables; in French the iambic of twelve syllables; and
      in classic poetry the hexameter.

   Syn: Brave; intrepid; courageous; daring; valiant; bold;
        gallant; fearless; enterprising; noble; magnanimous;

資料來源 : WordNet®

heroic verse
     n : a verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated
         themes; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter [syn: {heroic
         meter}, {heroic}]
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