

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hereafter \Here*aft"er\, adv. [AS. h[=e]r[ae]fter.]
   In time to come; in some future time or state.

         Hereafter he from war shall come.        --Dryden.

Hereafter \Here*aft"er\, n.
   A future existence or state.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: life after death [syn: {afterlife}]
     2: the time yet to come [syn: {future}, {futurity}, {time to
        come}] [ant: {past}]
     adv 1: in a subsequent part of this document or statement or matter
            etc.; "the landlord demises unto the tenant the
            premises hereinafter called the demised premises";
            "the terms specified hereunder" [syn: {hereinafter}, {hereunder}]
     2: in a future life or state; "hope to win salvation hereafter"
     3: following this in time or order or place; after this;
        "hereafter you will no longer receive an allowance"
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