

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Heinous \Hei"nous\, a. [OF. ha["i]nos hateful, F. haineux, fr.
   OF. ha["i]ne hate, F. haine, fr. ha["i]r to hate; of German
   origin. See {Hate}.]
   Hateful; hatefully bad; flagrant; odious; atrocious; giving
   great great offense; -- applied to deeds or to character.

         It were most heinous and accursed sacrilege. --Hooker.

         How heinous had the fact been, how deserving Contempt!

   Syn: Monstrous; flagrant; flagitious; atrocious. --
        {Hei"nous*ly}, adv. -- {Hei"nous*ness}, n.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane [syn: {atrocity},
          {atrociousness}, {barbarity}, {barbarousness}]
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