

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj : heaviest in a category or of a heavyweight category (more
           than 190 pounds for prizefighters); "a heavyweight
     n 1: an amateur boxer who weighs no more than 201 pounds
     2: a wrestler who weighs more than 214 pounds
     3: a professional boxer who weighs more than 190 pounds
     4: a very large person; impressive in size or qualities [syn: {giant},
         {hulk}, {whale}]
     5: a person of exceptional importance and reputation [syn: {colossus},
         {behemoth}, {giant}, {titan}]

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        High-overhead; {baroque}; code-intensive; featureful, but
        costly.  Especially used of communication protocols, language
        designs, and any sort of implementation in which maximum
        generality and/or ease of implementation has been pushed at
        the expense of mundane considerations such as speed, memory
        use and startup time.  {Emacs} is a heavyweight editor; {X} is
        an *extremely* heavyweight window system.  This term isn't
        pejorative, but one hacker's heavyweight is another's
        {elephantine} and a third's monstrosity.
        Opposite: "lightweight".  Usage: now borders on technical
        especially in the compound "heavyweight process".
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