資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
{Half hitch}, a sailor's knot in a rope; half of a clove
{Half hose}, short stockings; socks.
{Half measure}, an imperfect or weak line of action.
{Half note} (Mus.), a minim, one half of a semibreve.
{Half pay}, half of the wages or salary; reduced pay; as, an
officer on half pay.
{Half price}, half the ordinary price; or a price much
{Half round}.
(a) (Arch.) A molding of semicircular section.
(b) (Mech.) Having one side flat and the other rounded; --
said of a file.
{Half shift} (Mus.), a position of the hand, between the open
position and the first shift, in playing on the violin and
kindred instruments. See {Shift}.
{Half step} (Mus.), a semitone; the smallest difference of
pitch or interval, used in music.
{Half tide}, the time or state of the tide equally distant
from ebb and flood.
{Half time}, half the ordinary time for work or attendance;
as, the half-time system.
{Half tint} (Fine Arts), a middle or intermediate tint, as in
drawing or painting. See {Demitint}.
{Half truth}, a statement only partially true, or which gives
only a part of the truth. --Mrs. Browning.
{Half year}, the space of six months; one term of a school
when there are two terms in a year.
資料來源 : WordNet®
half note
n : a musical note having the time value of half a whole note
[syn: {minim}]