

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Flageolet \Flag"eo*let`\, n. [F. flageolet, dim. of OF. flaj?l
   (as if fr. a LL. flautio;us), of fla["u]te, flahute, F.
   fl?te. See {Flute}.] (Mus.)
   A small wooden pipe, having six or more holes, and a
   mouthpiece inserted at one end. It produces a shrill sound,
   softer than of the piccolo flute, and is said to have
   superseded the old recorder.

   {Flageolet tones} (Mus.), the naturel harmonics or overtones
      of stringed instruments.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a French bean variety with light-colored seeds; usually
          dried [syn: {haricot}]
     2: a small fipple flute with four finger holes and two thumb
        holes [syn: {treble recorder}, {shepherd's pipe}]
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