
fine metal

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Matte \Matte\, n. [F. matte; cf. F. mat, masc., matte, fem.,
   faint, dull, dim; -- said of metals. See {Mate} checkmate.]
   1. (Metallurgy) A partly reduced copper sulphide, obtained by
      alternately roasting and melting copper ore in separating
      the metal from associated iron ores, and called {coarse
      metal}, {fine metal}, etc., according to the grade of
      fineness. On the exterior it is dark brown or black, but
      on a fresh surface is yellow or bronzy in color.

   2. A dead or dull finish, as in gilding where the gold leaf
      is not burnished, or in painting where the surface is
      purposely deprived of gloss.
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