

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Find \Find\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Found}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Finding}.] [AS. findan; akin to D. vinden, OS. & OHG.
   findan, G. finden, Dan. finde, icel. & Sw. finna, Goth.
   fin?an; and perh. to L. petere to seek, Gr. ? to fall, Skr.
   pat to fall, fly, E. petition.]
   1. To meet with, or light upon, accidentally; to gain the
      first sight or knowledge of, as of something new, or
      unknown; hence, to fall in with, as a person.

            Searching the window for a flint, I found This
            paper, thus sealed up.                --Shak.

            In woods and forests thou art found.  --Cowley.

   2. To learn by experience or trial; to perceive; to
      experience; to discover by the intellect or the feelings;
      to detect; to feel. ``I find you passing gentle.'' --Shak.

            The torrid zone is now found habitable. --Cowley.

   3. To come upon by seeking; as, to find something lost.
      (a) To discover by sounding; as, to find bottom.
      (b) To discover by study or experiment direct to an object
          or end; as, water is found to be a compound substance.
      (c) To gain, as the object of desire or effort; as, to
          find leisure; to find means.
      (d) To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire.

                Seek, and ye shall find.          --Matt. vii.

                Every mountain now hath found a tongue. --Byron.

   4. To provide for; to supply; to furnish; as, to find food
      for workemen; he finds his nephew in money.

            Wages [pounds]14 and all found.       --London

            Nothing a day and find yourself.      --Dickens.

Finding \Find"ing\, n.
   1. That which is found, come upon, or provided; esp. (pl.),
      that which a journeyman artisan finds or provides for
      himself; as tools, trimmings, etc.

            When a man hath been laboring . . . in the deep
            mines of knowledge, hath furnished out his findings
            in all their equipage.                --Milton.

   2. Support; maintenance; that which is provided for one;
      expence; provision.

   3. (Law) The result of a judicial examination or inquiry,
      especially into some matter of fact; a verdict; as, the
      finding of a jury. --Burrill.

            After his friends finding and his rent. --Chaucer.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: the act of determining the properties of something [syn: {determination}]
     2: the decision of a court on issues of fact or law
     3: something that is found; "the findings in the
        gastrointestinal tract indicate that he died several hours
        after dinner"; "an area rich in archaelogical findings"
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