

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Film \Film\, n. (Photog.)
   The layer, usually of gelatin or collodion, containing the
   sensitive salts of photographic plates; also, the flexible
   sheet of celluloid or the like on which this layer is
   sometimes mounted.

   {Celluloid film} (Photog.), a thin flexible sheet of
      celluloid, coated with a sensitized emulsion of gelatin,
      and used as a substitute for photographic plates.

   {Cut film} (Photog.), a celluloid film cut into pieces
      suitable for use in a camera.

Film \Film\, n. [AS. film skin, fr. fell skin; akin to fylmen
   membrane, OFries. filmene skin. See {Fell} skin.]
   1. A thin skin; a pellicle; a membranous covering, causing
      opacity; hence, any thin, slight covering.

            He from thick films shall purge the visual ray.

   2. A slender thread, as that of a cobweb.

            Her whip of cricket's bone, the lash of film.

Film \Film\, v. t.
   To cover with a thin skin or pellicle.

         It will but skin and film the ulcerous place. --Shak.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence of
          images giving the illusion of continuous movement; "they
          went to a movie every Saturday night"; "the film was
          shot on location" [syn: {movie}, {picture}, {moving
          picture}, {moving-picture show}, {motion picture}, {motion-picture
          show}, {picture show}, {pic}, {flick}]
     2: a medium that disseminates moving pictures; "theater pieces
        transferred to celluloid"; "this story would be good
        cinema"; "film coverage of sporting events" [syn: {cinema},
     3: a thin coating or layer; "the table was covered with a film
        of dust"
     4: a thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent)
        material used to wrap or cover things [syn: {plastic film}]
     5: photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid
        covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make
        negatives or transparencies [syn: {photographic film}]

     v 1: make a film or photograph of something; "take a scene";
          "shoot a movie" [syn: {shoot}, {take}]
     2: record in film; "The coronation was filmed"
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