

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fidelity \Fi*del"i*ty\, n. [L. fidelitas: cf. F. fid['e]lit['e].
   See {Fealty}.]
   Faithfulness; adherence to right; careful and exact
   observance of duty, or discharge of obligations. Especially:
   (a) Adherence to a person or party to which one is bound;

             Whose courageous fidelity was proof to all danger.

             The best security for the fidelity of men is to
             make interest coincide with duty.    --A. Hamilton.
   (b) Adherence to the marriage contract.
   (c) Adherence to truth; veracity; honesty.

             The principal thing required in a witness is
             fidelity.                            --Hooker.

   Syn: Faithfulness; honesty; integrity; faith; loyalty;

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the
          sound or image of its input signal
     2: the quality of being faithful [syn: {faithfulness}] [ant: {infidelity},
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