

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fence \Fence\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fenced (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To fend off danger from; to give security to; to protect;
      to guard.

            To fence my ear against thy sorceries. --Milton.

   2. To inclose with a fence or other protection; to secure by
      an inclosure.

            O thou wall! . . . dive in the earth, And fence not
            Athens.                               --Shak.

            A sheepcote fenced about with olive trees. --Shak.

   {To fence the tables} (Scot. Church), to make a solemn
      address to those who present themselves to commune at the
      Lord's supper, on the feelings appropriate to the service,
      in order to hinder, so far as possible, those who are
      unworthy from approaching the table. --McCheyne.

Fencing \Fen"cing\, n.
   1. The art or practice of attack and defense with the sword,
      esp. with the smallsword. See {Fence}, v. i., 2.

   2. Disputing or debating in a manner resembling the art of
      fencers. --Shak.

   3. The materials used for building fences. [U.S.]

   4. The act of building a fence.

   5. The aggregate of the fences put up for inclosure or
      protection; as, the fencing of a farm.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a barrier that serves to enclose an area [syn: {fence}]
     2: material for building fences [syn: {fencing material}]
     3: the art or sport of fighting with swords (especially the use
        of foils or epees or sabres to score points under a set of
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