

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Feminine \Fem"i*nine\, a. [L. femininus, fr. femina woman; prob.
   akin to L. fetus, or to Gr. qh^sqai to suck, qh^sai to
   suckle, Skr. dh[=a] to suck; cf. AS. f[=ae]mme woman, maid:
   cf. F. f['e]minin. See {Fetus}.]
   1. Of or pertaining to a woman, or to women; characteristic
      of a woman; womanish; womanly.

            Her letters are remarkably deficient in feminine
            ease and grace.                       --Macaulay.

   2. Having the qualities of a woman; becoming or appropriate
      to the female sex; as, in a good sense, modest, graceful,
      affectionate, confiding; or, in a bad sense, weak,
      nerveless, timid, pleasure-loving, effeminate.

            Her heavenly form Angelic, but more soft and
            feminine.                             --Milton.

            Ninus being esteemed no man of war at all, but
            altogether feminine, and subject to ease and
            delicacy.                             --Sir W.

Feminine \Fem"i*nine\, n.
   1. A woman. [Obs. or Colloq.]

            They guide the feminines toward the palace.

   2. (Gram.) Any one of those words which are the appellations
      of females, or which have the terminations usually found
      in such words; as, actress, songstress, abbess, executrix.

            There are but few true feminines in English.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: associated with women and not with men; "feminine intuition"
            [ant: {masculine}]
     2: of grammatical gender [ant: {neuter}, {masculine}]
     3: befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature
        woman; "womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion"
        [syn: {womanly}] [ant: {unwomanly}]
     4: (music or poetry) ending on an unaccented beat or syllable;
        "a feminine ending"
     n : a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to
         females or to objects classified as female
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