

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ember \Em"ber\, n. [OE. emmeres, emeres, AS. ?myrie; akin to
   Icel. eimyrja, Dan. emmer, MHG. eimere; cf. Icel. eimr vapor,
   A lighted coal, smoldering amid ashes; -- used chiefly in the
   plural, to signify mingled coals and ashes; the smoldering
   remains of a fire. ``He rakes hot embers.'' --Dryden.

         He takes a lighted ember out of the covered vessel.

Ember \Em"ber\, a. [OE. ymber, AS. ymbren, ymbryne, prop.,
   running around, circuit; ymbe around + ryne a running, fr.
   rinnan to run. See {Amb-}, and {Run}.]
   Making a circuit of the year of the seasons; recurring in
   each quarter of the year; as, ember fasts.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a hot glowing or smouldering fragment of wood or coal left
         from a fire [syn: {coal}]
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