

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dextrose \Dex"trose`\, n. [See {Dexter}.] (Chem.)
   A sirupy, or white crystalline, variety of sugar, {C6H12O6}
   (so called from turning the plane of polarization to the
   right), occurring in many ripe fruits. Dextrose and levulose
   are obtained by the inversion of cane sugar or sucrose, and
   hence called invert sugar. Dextrose is chiefly obtained by
   the action of heat and acids on starch, and hence called also
   {starch sugar}. It is also formed from starchy food by the
   action of the amylolytic ferments of saliva and pancreatic

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : an isomer of glucose that is found in honey and sweet fruits
         [syn: {dextroglucose}, {grape sugar}]
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