

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dexterous \Dex"ter*ous\, a. [L. dexter. See {Dexter}.] [Written
   also {dextrous}.]
   1. Ready and expert in the use of the body and limbs;
      skillful and active with the hands; handy; ready; as, a
      dexterous hand; a dexterous workman.

   2. Skillful in contrivance; quick at inventing expedients;
      expert; as, a dexterous manager.

            Dexterous the craving, fawning crowd to quit.

   3. Done with dexterity; skillful; artful; as, dexterous
      management. ``Dexterous sleights of hand.'' --Trench.

   Syn: Adroit; active; expert; skillful; clever; able; ready;
        apt; handy; versed.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj : skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands; "a
           deft waiter"; "deft fingers massaged her face";
           "dexterous of hand and inventive of mind" [syn: {deft},
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