

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Develop \De*vel"op\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Developed}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Developing}.] [F. d['e]veloper; d['e]- (L. dis-) +
   OF. voluper, voleper, to envelop, perh. from L. volup
   agreeably, delightfully, and hence orig., to make agreeable
   or comfortable by enveloping, to keep snug (cf.
   {Voluptuous}); or. perh. fr. a derivative of volvere,
   volutum, to roll (cf. {Devolve}). Cf. {Envelop}.] [Written
   also {develope}.]
   1. To free from that which infolds or envelops; to unfold; to
      lay open by degrees or in detail; to make visible or
      known; to disclose; to produce or give forth; as, to
      develop theories; a motor that develops 100 horse power.

            These serve to develop its tenets.    --Milner.

            The 20th was spent in strengthening our position and
            developing the line of the enemy.     --The Century.

   2. To unfold gradually, as a flower from a bud; hence, to
      bring through a succession of states or stages, each of
      which is preparatory to the next; to form or expand by a
      process of growth; to cause to change gradually from an
      embryo, or a lower state, to a higher state or form of
      being; as, sunshine and rain develop the bud into a
      flower; to develop the mind.

            The sound developed itself into a real compound.
                                                  --J. Peile.

            All insects . . . acquire the jointed legs before
            the wings are fully developed.        --Owen.

   3. To advance; to further; to prefect; to make to increase;
      to promote the growth of.

            We must develop our own resources to the utmost.

   4. (Math.) To change the form of, as of an algebraic
      expression, by executing certain indicated operations
      without changing the value.

   5. (Photog.) To cause to become visible, as an invisible or
      latent image upon plate, by submitting it to chemical
      agents; to bring to view.

   {To develop a curved surface on a plane} (Geom.), to produce
      on the plane an equivalent surface, as if by rolling the
      curved surface so that all parts shall successively touch
      the plane.

   Syn: To uncover; unfold; evolve; promote; project; lay open;
        disclose; exhibit; unravel; disentangle.

Develop \De*vel"op\, v. i.
   1. To go through a process of natural evolution or growth, by
      successive changes from a less perfect to a more perfect
      or more highly organized state; to advance from a simpler
      form of existence to one more complex either in structure
      or function; as, a blossom develops from a bud; the seed
      develops into a plant; the embryo develops into a
      well-formed animal; the mind develops year by year.

            Nor poets enough to understand That life develops
            from within.                          --Mrs.

   2. To become apparent gradually; as, a picture on sensitive
      paper develops on the application of heat; the plans of
      the conspirators develop.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     v 1: make something new, such as a product or a mental or
          artistic creation; "Her company developed a new kind of
          building material that withstands all kinds of weather";
          "They developed a new technique"
     2: work out; "We have developed a new theory of evolution"
        [syn: {evolve}, {germinate}]
     3: gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to
        television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and
        wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new
        position"; "develop a passion for painting" [syn: {acquire},
     4: come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and
        attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed
        abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body";
        "Well-developed breasts" [syn: {grow}, {produce}, {get}, {acquire}]
     5: come into existence; take on form or shape; "A new religious
        movement originated in that country"; "a love that sprang
        up from friendship"; "the idea for the book grew out of a
        short story"; "An interesting phenomenon uprose" [syn: {originate},
         {arise}, {rise}, {uprise}, {spring up}, {grow}]
     6: change the use of and make available or usable; "develop
        land"; "The country developed its natural resources"; "The
        remote areas of the country were gradually built up" [syn:
         {build up}]
     7: elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; "Could you develop
        the ideas in your thesis" [syn: {explicate}, {formulate}]
     8: create by training and teaching; "The old master is training
        world-class violinists"; "we develop the leaders for the
        future" [syn: {train}, {prepare}, {educate}]
     9: be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The
        plot developed slowly";
     10: grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of
         evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a
         conducive environment; "A flower developed on the
         branch"; "The country developed into a mighty
         superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This
         situation has developed over a long time"
     11: become technologically advanced; "Many countries in Asia are
         now developing at a very fast pace"; "Viet Nam is
         modernizing rapidly" [syn: {modernize}, {modernise}]
     12: cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its
         natural development; "The perfect climate here develops
         the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple" [syn: {make
     13: generate gradually; "We must develop more potential
         customers"; "develop a market for the new mobile phone"
     14: grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully
         in her new kindergarten"; "When he spent a summer at
         camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some
         of his old adolescent behavior" [syn: {grow}]
     15: make visible by means of chemical solutions; "Please develop
         this roll of film for me"
     16: superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without
         stretching, in geometry
     17: move one's pieces into strategically more advantageous
         positions; "Spassky developed quickly"
     18: move into a strategically more advantageous position;
         "develop the rook"
     19: elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the
         working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the
         theme; "develop the melody and change the key"
     20: happen; "Report the news as it develops"; "These political
         movements recrudesce from time to time" [syn: {break}, {recrudesce}]
     21: expand in the form of a series; "Develop the function in the
         following form"
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