

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Deuce \Deuce\, n. [Cf. LL. dusius, Armor, dus, te[^u]z, phantom,
   specter; Gael. taibhs, taibhse, apparition, ghost; or fr. OF.
   deus God, fr. L. deus (cf. {Deity}).]
   The devil; a demon. [A euphemism, written also {deuse}.]

Deuce \Deuce\ (d[=u]s), n. [F. deux two, OF. deus, fr. L. duo.
   See {Two}.]
   1. (Gaming) Two; a card or a die with two spots; as, the
      deuce of hearts.

   2. (Tennis) A condition of the score beginning whenever each
      side has won three strokes in the same game (also reckoned
      ``40 all''), and reverted to as often as a tie is made
      until one of the sides secures two successive strokes
      following a tie or deuce, which decides the game.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a tie in tennis or table tennis that requires winning two
          successive points to win the game
     2: the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a
        numeral representing this number [syn: {two}, {2}, {II}]
     3: a word used in exclamations of confusion; "what the devil";
        "the deuce with it"; "the dickens you say" [syn: {devil},
     4: one of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots
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