

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dependence \De*pend"ence\, n. [LL. dependentia, fr. L.
   dependens. See {Dependent}, and cf. {Dependance}.]
   1. The act or state of depending; state of being dependent; a
      hanging down or from; suspension from a support.

   2. The state of being influenced and determined by something;
      subjection (as of an effect to its cause).

            The cause of effects, and the dependence of one
            thing upon another.                   --Bp. Burnet.

   3. Mutu??? ?onnection and support; concatenation; systematic
      ???er relation.

            So dark a??? so intricate of purpose, without any
            dependence or order.                  --Sir T. More.

   4. Subjection to the direction or disposal of another;
      inability to help or provide for one's self.

            Reduced to a servile dependence on their mercy.

   5. A resting with confidence; reliance; trust.

            Affectionate dependence on the Creator is the
            spiritual life of the soul.           --T. Erskine.

   6. That on which one depends or relies; as, he was her sole

   7. That which depends; anything dependent or suspended;
      anything attached a subordinate to, or contingent on,
      something else.

            Like a large cluster of black grapes they show And
            make a large dependence from the bough. --Dryden.

   8. A matter depending, or in suspense, and still to be
      determined; ground of controversy or quarrel. [Obs.]

            To go on now with my first dependence. --Beau. & Fl.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: lack of independence or self-sufficiency [syn: {dependance},
     2: being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that
        is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially
        alcohol or narcotic drugs) [syn: {addiction}, {dependency},
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