

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Department \De*part"ment\, n. [F. d['e]partement, fr.
   d['e]partir. See {Depart}, v. i.]
   1. Act of departing; departure. [Obs.]

            Sudden departments from one extreme to another.

   2. A part, portion, or subdivision.

   3. A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like;
      appointed sphere or walk; province.

            Superior to Pope in Pope's own peculiar department
            of literature.                        --Macaulay.

   4. Subdivision of business or official duty; especially, one
      of the principal divisions of executive government; as,
      the treasury department; the war department; also, in a
      university, one of the divisions of instruction; as, the
      medical department; the department of physics.

   5. A territorial division; a district; esp., in France, one
      of the districts composed of several arrondissements into
      which the country is divided for governmental purposes;
      as, the Department of the Loire.

   6. A military subdivision of a country; as, the Department of
      the Potomac.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a specialized division of a large organization; "you'll find
          it in the hardware department"; "she got a job in the
          historical section of the Treasury" [syn: {section}]
     2: the territorial and administrative division of some
        countries (such as France)
     3: a specialized sphere of knowledge; "baking is not my
        department"; "his work established a new department of
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