
cornu copiae

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cornucopia \Cor`nu*co"pi*a\ (k[^o]r`n[-u]*k[=o]"p[i^]*[.a]), n.;
   pl. {Cornucopias} (-[.a]z). [L. cornu copiae horn of plenty.
   See {Horn}, and {Copious}.]
   1. The horn of plenty, from which fruits and flowers are
      represented as issuing. It is an emblem of abundance.

   2. pl. (Bot.) A genus of grasses bearing spikes of flowers
      resembling the cornucopia in form.

   Note: Some writers maintain that this word should be written,
         in the singular, {cornu copi[ae]}, and in the plural,
         {cornua copi[ae]}.
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