資料來源 : pyDict
資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Confluence \Con"flu*ence\, n. [L. confluentia.]
1. The act of flowing together; the meeting or junction of
two or more streams; the place of meeting.
New York stood at the confluence of two rivers.
2. Any running together of separate streams or currents; the
act of meeting and crowding in a place; hence, a crowd; a
concourse; an assemblage.
You see this confluence, this great flood of
vistors. --Shak.
The confluence . . . of all true joys. --Boyle.
資料來源 : WordNet®
n 1: a place where things merge or flow together (especially
rivers); "Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the
Allegheny and Monongahela rivers" [syn: {meeting}]
2: a flowing together [syn: {conflux}, {merging}]
3: a coming together of people [syn: {concourse}]