

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Compound \Com"pound\ (k[o^]m"pound), n. [Malay kompung a
   In the East Indies, an inclosure containing a house,
   outbuildings, etc.

Compound \Com*pound"\ (k[o^]m*pound"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Compounded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Compounding}.] [OE. componen,
   compounen, L. componere, compositum; com-+ ponere to put set.
   The d is excrescent. See {Position}, and cf. {Compon['e]}.]
   1. To form or make by combining different elements,
      ingredients, or parts; as, to compound a medicine.

            Incapacitating him from successfully compounding a
            tale of this sort.                    --Sir W.

   2. To put together, as elements, ingredients, or parts, in
      order to form a whole; to combine, mix, or unite.

            We have the power of altering and compounding those
            images into all the varieties of picture. --Addison.

   3. To modify or change by combination with some other thing
      or part; to mingle with something else.

            Only compound me with forgotten dust. --Shak.

   4. To compose; to constitute. [Obs.]

            His pomp and all what state compounds. --Shak.

   5. To settle amicably; to adjust by agreement; to compromise;
      to discharge from obligation upon terms different from
      those which were stipulated; as, to compound a debt.

            I pray, my lords, let me compound this strife.

   {To compound a felony}, to accept of a consideration for
      forbearing to prosecute, such compounding being an
      indictable offense. See {Theftbote}.

Compound \Com"pound\, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See
   {Compound}, v. t.]
   Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts;
   produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or
   things; composite; as, a compound word.

         Compound substances are made up of two or more simple
         substances.                              --I. Watts.

   {Compound addition}, {subtraction}, {multiplication},
   {division} (Arith.), the addition, subtraction, etc., of
      compound numbers.

   {Compound crystal} (Crystallog.), a twin crystal, or one
      seeming to be made up of two or more crystals combined
      according to regular laws of composition.

   {Compound engine} (Mech.), a form of steam engine in which
      the steam that has been used in a high-pressure cylinder
      is made to do further service in a larger low-pressure
      cylinder, sometimes in several larger cylinders,

   {Compound ether}. (Chem.) See under {Ether}.

   {Compound flower} (Bot.), a flower head resembling a single
      flower, but really composed of several florets inclosed in
      a common calyxlike involucre, as the sunflower or

   {Compound fraction}. (Math.) See {Fraction}.

   {Compound fracture}. See {Fracture}.

   {Compound householder}, a householder who compounds or
      arranges with his landlord that his rates shall be
      included in his rents. [Eng.]

   {Compound interest}. See {Interest}.

   {Compound larceny}. (Law) See {Larceny}.

   {Compound leaf} (Bot.), a leaf having two or more separate
      blades or leaflets on a common leafstalk.

   {Compound microscope}. See {Microscope}.

   {Compound motion}. See {Motion}.

   {Compound number} (Math.), one constructed according to a
      varying scale of denomination; as, 3 cwt., 1 qr., 5 lb.;
      -- called also {denominate number}.

   {Compound pier} (Arch.), a clustered column.

   {Compound quantity} (Alg.), a quantity composed of two or
      more simple quantities or terms, connected by the sign +
      (plus) or - (minus). Thus, a + b - c, and bb - b, are
      compound quantities.

   {Compound radical}. (Chem.) See {Radical}.

   {Compound ratio} (Math.), the product of two or more ratios;
      thus ab:cd is a ratio compounded of the simple ratios a:c
      and b:d.

   {Compound rest} (Mech.), the tool carriage of an engine

   {Compound screw} (Mech.), a screw having on the same axis two
      or more screws with different pitch (a differential
      screw), or running in different directions (a right and
      left screw).

   {Compound time} (Mus.), that in which two or more simple
      measures are combined in one; as, 6-8 time is the joining
      of two measures of 3-8 time.

   {Compound word}, a word composed of two or more words;
      specifically, two or more words joined together by a

Compound \Com*pound"\, v. i.
   To effect a composition; to come to terms of agreement; to
   agree; to settle by a compromise; -- usually followed by with
   before the person participating, and for before the thing
   compounded or the consideration.

         Here's a fellow will help you to-morrow; . . . compound
         with him by the year.                    --Shak.

         They were at last glad to compound for his bare
         commitment to the Tower.                 --Clarendon.

         Cornwall compounded to furnish ten oxen after
         Michaelmas for thirty pounds.            --R. Carew.

         Compound for sins they are inclined to By damning those
         they have no mind to.                    --Hudibras.

Compound \Com"pound\, n.
   1. That which is compounded or formed by the union or mixture
      of elements ingredients, or parts; a combination of
      simples; a compound word; the result of composition.

            Rare compound of oddity, frolic, and fun.

            When the word ``bishopric'' was first made, it was
            made as a compound.                   --Earle.

   2. (Chem.) A union of two or more ingredients in definite
      proportions by weight, so combined as to form a distinct
      substance; as, water is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen.

   Note: Every definite chemical compound always contains the
         same elements, united in the same proportions by
         weight, and with the same internal arrangement.

   {Binary compound} (Chem.). See under {Binary}.

   {Carbon compounds} (Chem.). See under {Carbon}.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: of leaf shapes; of leaves composed of several similar parts
            or lobes [ant: {simple}]
     2: consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or
        elements or parts; "soap is a compound substance";
        "housetop is a compound word"; "a blackberry is a compound
     3: composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole
        or colony; "coral is a colonial organism" [syn: {colonial}]

     v 1: make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts
          were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike
          for her"; "Potsmokers claim it heightens their
          awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"
          [syn: {intensify}, {heighten}, {deepen}]
     2: put or add together; "combine resources" [syn: {combine}]
     3: calculate principal and interest
     4: create by mixing or combining
     5: combine so as to form a whole; mix; "compound the
        ingredients" [syn: {combine}]

     n 1: (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or
          more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by
          weight [syn: {chemical compound}]
     2: a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts
     3: an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in
        the Orient)
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